Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Editing on-the-go with

Being able to edit photo after photo in your pajamas while lying on the couch in the comfort of your own home is such a beautiful thing, thanks to photo editing software downloadable to your computer.

Apple, Android and Adobe know that, while basking on the couch is magnificent, we all have real lives to attend to, so they have teamed up and created a photo editing software application that will totally change the way you spend your day.

Adobe, the worshipped software genius, is constantly creating products designed to make our lives that much easier, but also so much cooler. Recently, Adobe collaborated with Apple and Android (a phone dubbed as "the future of mobile"), and created an application staring one of the most innovative software products ever made: Photoshop.
Take a moment to let that information set in.

Now, think of the possibilities Adobe, Apple and the Droid have given us. No matter where you are, what you are doing or who you are with, you can capture every moment of your day using your iPhone's and Android's high-resolution built-in cameras and Photoshop apps for photo editing software on the go:
  • It is a Friday night and you are at a club. Take photos of your friends dancing or the hotty across the room, then instantly edit and upload them to Facebook or Twitter.
  • It is a Tuesday afternoon and your daughter's fifth birthday party is taking place. With your Photoshop app, crop, resize, sharpen, re-color and edit red-eye, all while watching her blow out the candles.
  • It is the holiday season and your family is gathered, eating ham, decorating the tree and wrapping gifts. Your brother is missing from the festivities, however, as he is stationed overseas with the Army. Capture every happy face and loving gesture, edit and instantly email the photos to him.
With a touch of the screen, images taken from your iPhone and Android can be turned into something special and instantly emailed or uploaded to your account page, Facebook or Twitter.

With the *iPhone and Android Photoshop Express app, any situation can be turned into an opportunity for shared experiences.

A key feature of Mobile photo editing software is the access to online albums. When creating an account with, you are given the ability to instantaneously upload photos taken from your iPhone and Android to online albums that have the capacity to hold 1,500 photos or 2GB. This album organizes your photos and can be viewed from any computer with internet access.

Having a list of magical Photoshop editing tools readily available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is quite an empowering feeling. So is the 2GB of online space and the capabilities to instantly send and share edited images by email, Facebook and Twitter.
You are probably wondering, "How much is this going to cost me?" Right? Well, we have the best possible answer for you. This photo editing software application is totally, 100 percent FREE.
So again, take a moment for that information to soak in.

Moment taken? Good. Now go download that application from the iTunes store or the Android Market and get your editing on.
At TopTenREVIEWS We Do the Research So You Don't Have To.™
*The Photoshop Express application requires iOS 3.0 or later on the iPhone and Android 1.5 or above.

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